Saturday, January 25, 2014

So much catching up!

I know it's been a while since my last post so I know I have some catching up to do! 

Well for Richy, He is doing WONDERFUL in school. His teacher actually just called me Friday to let me know about our next big meeting in February, where it's like a Re-Evaluation to discuss so we can talk about what more they may recommend to further on his progress. She told me most likely, in her own words "We're going to recommend him staying in my classroom which is great because I don't want him to leave".  I am so glad that he has a teacher that he loves! 

His progress in no doubt... is amazing!. He still won't write, but he will try to trace.. He can spell his  name verbally!  This shows us that his connection between the letters R-I-C-H-Y and his name is connected and I almost cried when he came home to start spelling it out! 

The potty training is still in the making, But I can say he is fully peeing on the potty now! We are still working on number 2, but he can stay in underwear all day without much accidents (Unless he poops lol). 

Some more news is, We adopted a kitten! Her name is Jasmine. We are teaching Richy how to become gentle and easy to other's. So far, Richy is having a little trouble with a few things, but he is definitely warming up to her. :) 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

An exhausting New Years Eve lol

So tired today! Richy decided to sleep from 10pm til 2am and stay awake until almost 7:30am. we slept til about noon time. I'm not sure if we're going to make it til the ball drops! I just hope he becomes tired  tonight. 

Do you have a New Years Resolution? I think mine will be to start attempting to go to bed earlier. lol. 

Richy's been telling me to "shut up" often and I'm not liking it one bit. He's always polite with pleases and Thank You's but this has got to stop. I don't want him to go to school telling his teacher or anyone to "shut up" and I have been trying to teach him that.. those words are NOT okay. Does any of your  kids have gone through this stage? 

Hope everyone has a nice night tonight. I am signing off... One tired MAMA

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Great IEP Meeting Yesterday with his Teacher and team

So yesterday, We had our bi-monthly meeting with his teacher and IEP Team and I must say, I am very happy with Richy's progress =) . I already knew he was doing well, especially a difference even at home.  He can now spell his name verbally (Richy) and it was so awesome when I heard him spell it. 

Me and his father took Richy with us to his meeting, and the teacher showed us how he can also read the word "run" ! and as he read the word "run" he began to run in place. I just sat there and smiled. 

Seeing Richy making progress along with behavior, is amazing. His speech and occupational therapist absolutly love having him in class with them. They said he is so full of energy and character and just always so happy lol. 

The one thing they are concerned about for him is his grunting/stimmulation because he does it to where its very harsh on his vocal chords, so we're working to gether to try and get him to ease on it and they recommend me taking him to his pediatrician or specialist to make sure no damage is being done as we try to get him to calm down with it. 

They say he does it out of sensory which is normal with Autism of course. We are very proud and happy parents =)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

You have what it takes to sell Avon

You have what it takes to sell Avon: It's more than selling beauty. It's earning money by simply making connection and letting your personality shine. Learn more today.

He's starting to go to bed on his own! Some Updates too!

I just wanted to share, that 4 nights in a row, he has started to finally attend to his bed at night saying "night night?". Normally, I have to have him on the couch and watch tv until he falls asleep or even rock him sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love helping him fall asleep but at 5 years old, He's starting to just get a bit to heavy. lol. 

Since it's been a bit about updating, Richy  has been doing farely well with many things.. He is overcoming the potty, even at school. He may not poop in it yet, but he will pee.. standing up! He is successfully able to go to school in big boy underwear now. He has his accidents here and there, but it's definitley not as bad as it has been, and we just do night time pull ups for the nights. 

Richy does still refuse to try to write on his own, Much of his work is hand on hand action. He really just doesn't like writing, but we're going to continue to keep helping him. The funny thing about this, Is he was on the "paint" program and actually drew the letter "C".  I actually emailed his teacher to tell her because I was so excited! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One tired mama

So I know I haven't updated in a while.. it's just been so tiring! I love my son to death, but his sleeping patterns....blah!  for the past 2 weeks he's been waking up anywhere between 1:30am and 4am.. and he stays awake all day, goes to school ect. 

I wish I had his energy. School is going pretty good for him. There has  been only a few issues with him hitting but it has gotten better. We're going to be having a meeting soon to talk about how his progress is. I can't wait to see how he's doing and discuss anything needed with his teacher and IEP team. Right now it's 6:40am, hes been up since 4am. I am so exhausted. 


Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Article about Toys AUcross America finally got published!

I am soo Happy today! I worked on an Article for Toys AUcross America to help get the word out about them and I finally got it published on Yahoo! Voices!  I am so happy I feel that I finally made a wonderful accomplishment emotionally and supportedly!