Saturday, January 25, 2014

So much catching up!

I know it's been a while since my last post so I know I have some catching up to do! 

Well for Richy, He is doing WONDERFUL in school. His teacher actually just called me Friday to let me know about our next big meeting in February, where it's like a Re-Evaluation to discuss so we can talk about what more they may recommend to further on his progress. She told me most likely, in her own words "We're going to recommend him staying in my classroom which is great because I don't want him to leave".  I am so glad that he has a teacher that he loves! 

His progress in no doubt... is amazing!. He still won't write, but he will try to trace.. He can spell his  name verbally!  This shows us that his connection between the letters R-I-C-H-Y and his name is connected and I almost cried when he came home to start spelling it out! 

The potty training is still in the making, But I can say he is fully peeing on the potty now! We are still working on number 2, but he can stay in underwear all day without much accidents (Unless he poops lol). 

Some more news is, We adopted a kitten! Her name is Jasmine. We are teaching Richy how to become gentle and easy to other's. So far, Richy is having a little trouble with a few things, but he is definitely warming up to her. :)